(Título original: PalavrasDela) começou ser filmado em março de 2018 como parte de um projeto social.
Destina-se em transmitir a experiência de ser agredida e mostrar os tipos de violência da que as mulheres são submetidas no dia a dia em nossa sociedade.
Entrevistamos quatro Brasileiras que dividiram suas experiencias de vida, e pedimos a uma delas, Isabel Hickmann, para posar para este filme.
A vestimos com as palavras e as agressões que a mesma sofreu pelo fato de ser mulher, violando assim seu senso de identidade.
No final, ela tenta se livrar das palavras em seu corpo,recusando-se em ser rotulada. Luta essa que muitas mulheres ainda precisam enfrentar.
(Orig. title: Palavras Dela) was shot in March 2018 as part of a charity social media campaign in São Paulo, Brazil. It aims to convey the experience of being verbally assaulted and to show the types of violence that women are subjected to in our society.
We interview four Brazilian Woman About how they experience or have experienced verbal aggressions on their daily life. We asked one of them, Isabel Hickmann, to pose for this film, wherein those hurtful words and phrases appear onto her skin as if branding her, violating her sense of self and identity. In the end, she smears the words on her body, in defiant control of her own skin, refusing to be shamed, and proud of who she is.
The film is intended as the first in a series of films about violence against women.
With this film, we hope to find more women seeking to come forward and tell their stories. We hope to hear from woman form all over the world, including Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Middle East, North America, East Asia, India and Africa. Each film will differ aesthetically but all centre around the theme of female oppression. We
hope we are able to communicate their stories in a way that will resonate with any audience regardless of their gender.